Live, Laugh, LOVE

Live, Laugh, LOVE

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

2 year photo shoot!!!

My fabulous cousin/friend/student/photographer took Braedon's two year old pictures for me. I don't typically like the studio type photos... I am more of a natural type pic. Posed photos almost look so fake sometimes. Well these are definately not fake nor are they posed. We chose to do the Pumpkin patch which had a darling set up but my child was totally uncooperative. He screamed and cried the entire time and was the ultimate embarrassment. I profusely apologized to Julianna because she had never seen this side of Braedon and honestly neither have I. He is usually fine outside no matter the time of day or place but this day was a different story! ALTHOUGH he as terrible, Julianna did a fantastic job and got some priceless pictures that I ended up loving. I have showed them to lots of people and they have just marveld at at how good they really turned out despite my child. Here take a sneak peak for yourself! Thanks Julianna... I promise next time I will try to have a better idea that involves no riding and no interruption of nap time!!!!!!!!!


Julianna said...

We could have ridden around & chatted until the poor little thing woke up! I enjoyed it; and I'm glad it happened with your child instead of one I don't LOVE =) Ha! I'm kidding about that, for anyone who reads this & thinks i'm being serious... but for real, it was fun! And we ended up getting some great shots! I will be getting your cd SOON. I promise! You just have to be on me about these things because you KNOW how forgetful I am! Glad you're blogging! =) lurv ya, cousin.

The Lindley Family said...

YAY!!! So glad that you are back - Braedon is precious and y'all made a great team for Halloween!